Check out the first issue of our redesigned newsletter, the Treepost! We’ve been working on designing a simple, easy to browse, but full of information monthly newsletter. We hope you like the results!

Hover your mouse over the image below, then click on “View in fullscreen” to see it best.
[issuu showflipbtn=true documentid=100325165112-c379c8ef04cd405d90d0fcd864a3d985 docname=treepost_2010_04 username=WawaseeBible loadinginfotext=Treepost%20-%20April%2C%202010 width=500 height=364 unit=px]
Click Here to view on

Why the name “treepost”? It was the best name we could come up with that connects to our church (in this case our logo) but didn’t sound too cheesy. 🙂

One goal of the elders over the last 12-18 months has been to improve at regularly communicating information to our church family. Here are some of the initiatives we’ve taken to accomplish this:

  • A major bulletin redesign in January.
  • Updating our church directory annually, and publishing a new photo directory every 3-4 years. We’re on track to publish an updated photo directory in late April, 2010.
  • Updating the church website. We just finished a MAJOR redesign and re-launch of the church website ( last week! You can now view the calendar, browse past bulletins and newsletters, download forms, and listen to sermons on our website. We’ve also ventured into the world of Facebook and Twitter. We’ll be continuing to update the website over the coming months.

One other major step in this direction was the initiation of a bi-montly church newsletter last summer. Hannah Marshall took on the task while working as our secretary last June and did a great job!

Over the last few months, we thought it might be even more beneficial to have a monthly newsletter. It will be a little less beefy, but allow us to communicate more regularly with more current information. You can check out the fruits of that effort above!

We’ll be sending out the newsletter during the last week of each month and posting it here at If you have information you’d like considered for the newsletter, it must be into the church office by the 15th of the previous month.

We hope you’ll find this to be an encouraging and helpful piece of information each month!

Again, Marilyn and I are honored to serve you all in the office, and it’s been a joy to see lives and attitudes growing into Christ-likeness over the past months!

Keep at it!

You Are Loved!

Pastor Josh